Methods to Eliminate Acne With Lasers, How Effective?

Methods to Eliminate Acne With Lasers, How Effective?


Smooth and smooth facial skin without smudging even if not using makeup is every woman's dream. In fact, if treated and treated with the right method, such as laser, acne scars will disappear slowly. But whether the former can reappear? Spoken by dr. Holly Banerjee, acne scars that have been removed by laser means will not come back again. Because the laser has a permanent end result.


Former acne will disappear permanently provided that there is a new acne is not diapa-apain, in the sense of not fraudulently holding acne by hand, he said when met Wolipop on 8th Avenue Clinic, Jl. Wijaya Jakarta Selatan some time ago. Also read: 50 Inspiration Baju KondanganWoman graduated from Tarumanagara University Jakarta said that acne scars that have been treated the result is not the same as the original face skin. The results of laser treatments also can not be equated like changing the skin and would still leave the former. But if we can treat up to 80 percent of acne scars lost why not? If the patient is happy we are also happy, "he said. Added by dr. Tina Wardhani Wisesa, SpKK ,, generally facial treatment is divided into two parts. That is basic treatment is very easy to do everybody, wash face every day. Furthermore, if there is a new acne that causes acne scars, he recommends to apply night cream to fade acne scars. Also do facials to lift blackheads on the nose for absorption of face cream more optimal, he said when found Wolipop some time ago. (int / eny)



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